201 Seventeenth earned its ENERGY STAR certification with a score of 80, placing it in the top 20 percent of comparable office buildings nationwide. Eighty-six percent of the total purchases of materials for the facility alterations and additions were sustainable. The building also features a waste diversion rate of over 60 percent and a robust green cleaning program.
201 Seventeenth has a unique 5-Star Service Worldwide concierge program providing unparalleled tenant amenities and services. The property also boasts a 25 percent alternative commuting rate through traffic reduction initiatives like a zip car checkout, bike valet, electronic vehicle charging stations and a free shuttle connecting riders to mass transit. The building’s solid waste management policy diverts approximately 24 tons—or 50 percent of the total solid waste—annually from landfills. Through the property’s green cleaning program, 86 percent of all cleaning product purchases are sustainable and environmentally friendly.