Resolution on Accident of A. W. Martin

1915 | Resolution

Below is the text of a resolution adopted on March 9, 1915. It highlights the care and concern BOMA members have always had for one another. Over the years, members have often referred to the association as the “BOMA family.” Therefore, it is fitting that one of the oldest resolutions passed by the association’s board of directors expresses care for a member.

Resolution on Accident of A. W. Martin

Whereas; It has come to the knowledge of our assn. that our fellow member A. W. Martin suffered the severe accident of being thrown from a street car several weeks ago, and

Whereas; This accident has prevented his usual regular attendance at the meetings of our assn and deprived us of his counsel and co-operation which has proven so valuable in the past, therefore

Be it resolved; that this assn. extend to Mr. Martin our sincere regrets in his misfortune and express the wish that he may be speedily restored to health and that we may again soon see his smiling face in our meetings.

Resolved further; that a copy of these resolutions be mailed to Mr. Martin and also spread upon the minutes of the assn.

Respectfully submitted,

Fred Shaefer
H. F. Martin
A. A. Doanan

Adopted March 9th, 1915


Biography of A. W. Martin

According to the July 16, 1913, issue of the Atlanta Georgian, A. W. Martin was the first person to serve as vice president of BOMA Atlanta and he worked at the Atlanta National Bank Building. The February 17, 1914, issue of the Atlanta Georgian clarified that A. W. Martin served as manager of the Atlanta National Bank Building.