Resolution Congratulating the Oakland California Chamber of Commerce

1917 | Resolution

This resolution, adopted on August 28, 1917, shows the interest and support BOMA provided in the creation of BOMA associations in other markets throughout the country. (In the photo of the handwritten minutes, “Adopted: Sept. 15th, 1917” is the date on which the minutes from the August 28, 1917, were approved.)

As written in the minutes, “Upon motion of Mr. Stovall and carried, that the Secretary, together with the Chairman of the Publicity Committee of this Assn draft suitable resolutions congratulating the Oakland (Cal) Chamber of Commerce of their new born infant, the “Building Owners and Managers Assn.” Also send with the resolution a silver stork spoon, suitably engraved.”


Furthermore, according to the September 5, 1917, issue of Oakland Enquirer, “A baby spoon is the latest trophy to be received by the Oakland Chamber of Commerce.

“It is the gift of the Atlanta Association of Building Owners and Managers to the Oakland Building Owners and Managers’ association, the newest bureau of the local chamber. The spoon is inscribed with the day, month and year of the birth of the Oakland association, the handle being in the shape of Dr. Stork. Attached to the spoon with baby ribbon is a card carrying the compliment of the Atlanta association. The following letter accompanied the gift:

“‘The Atlanta Association of Building Owners and Managers unanimously adopted resolutions directing the undersigned, their secretary, to convey to the Oakland Chamber of Commerce their enthusiastic congratulations upon the birth of the newest member of the family of that esteemed and enterprising organization, and further directed that a suitable token of their sentiments be forwarded at once with their best wishes for the youngster’s long and happy and useful life. FRED SHAEFER, Secretary.'”