Gabriel Eckert
2019 | Huey AwardCompany: BOMA GeorgiaGabriel P. Eckert, FASAE, CAE, BOMA Georgia’s Chief Executive Officer is the 2019 recipient of the Huey Award, BOMA Georgia’s highest honor. “His presence for over 14 years has been the primary reason we have grown in numbers, in scope of programs, in health of functionality, and in diversity of membership,” said Pat Freeman, past BOMA Atlanta president and supporter of Gabriel’s nomination for the Huey Award. “These impacts are not limited to BOMA Georgia, these are benefits being experienced internationally. He is not only a leader in BOMA, he is a leader among all stripes of association executives, including within the Georgia Society of Association Executives and the American Society of Association Executives. He is a gifted public speaker. He is a published author. He is a nice person. He is a strategic thinker. He is a gifted mentor to his team. He is a winsome representative of BOMA Georgia in the commercial real estate and legislative realms, among many others. He successfully engages volunteer leaders and creates space in which they can work creatively and strategically.”