Charles Palmer

Unknown | Honorary Member

Charles Forrest Palmer was first listed as an Honorary Member of BOMA Atlanta in the 1983 BOMA Atlanta membership directory; however, the date he was awarded Honorary Membership is unknown.

Charles was an Atlanta real estate developer who was considered an expert on public housing and organized the construction of Techwood Homes, the first public housing project in the United States.

Charles began his real estate and housing career by establishing the C.F. Palmer Company, a realty firm, in Santa Barbara, California. He met Judge John S. Candler, brother to Coca-Cola owner Asa Griggs Candler, who in 1920 persuaded Charles to move to Atlanta to explore the commercial investment opportunities there. As a result, Charles opened a real estate firm in Atlanta, Palmer. Inc., specializing in downtown office properties.

Charles also served as president of the National Association of Building Owners and Managers (that would one day become BOMA International). Shuttling back and forth between Atlanta and Washington, D.C. During his career, Charles also led both the Atlanta Housing Authority and the Chamber of Commerce.